3 Empathetic Stories of the World’s Most Obese Labrador Retriever dogs


How feasting on fast food turned these dogs into real life monsters

According to psychologists we feel attracted to dog breeds that reflect our own personality but what does letting our dogs get fat and even obese is telling us about ourselves?

Here are three of the most obese Labrador retrievers, when watching the videos and looking at the pictures it’s easy to imagine how these poor dogs are suffering under the weight of their balloon shaped bodies and  you have to be a tough cookie not to find yourself overtaken by a bout of empathetic sorrow for their unpleasant lives.

Let’s get started watching Maxo’s metamorphosis in the next video

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Here’s the story of Sampson a terribly overweight black Labrador dog who when at his ” peak” was close to tipping 200 lbs. Unfortunately like so many dogs nowadays Sampson was fed on large portions of fast food meant for human consumption leading to a staggering 85kg in body weight that’s over 42kg above his ideal weight.

Here’s how vet Amber Lavery tells Sampson’s story:

Sampson-australias-most-obese-petThe dog is so fat and so unfit that staff at the Animal Aid shelter in Coldstream say it will take him until Christmas to shed half his massive frame.

Sampson is at the forefront of Australia’s epidemic of overweight pets. He is too fat to be exercised. His bulging, blood-shot eyes are the result of fatty tissue around his head and high blood pressure. He has to be taken to the shelter in the Animal Aid van for his weekly weigh-in because he can’t comfortably fit on the back seat of vet Amber Lavery’s family sedan.

She has taken Sampson in until he sheds at least half his weight, when he will be put up for adoption. “It’s obvious to get a case of such extreme obesity, Sampson has been fed excessive quantities of the wrong types of food over a very extended period of time. “His former owners obviously couldn’t resist his big brown eyes that follow you around saying ‘Feed me’.”

It is believed Sampson enjoyed regular feasts of fast foods and other fatty treats – food normally consumed by humans as occasional meals. He is struggling to adjust from a life of gorging to a meagre meal of a little more than three cups of dry dog biscuits and water. “Tough love means saying no,” Ms Lavery said. “He has a very keen appetite and shows a willingness to do anything he can to get food, any way he can.”


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Time to see Samsom in real life, enjoy the following video

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The Next video shows Molly’s story, an eight year old obese yellow Labrador retriever.

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