Dogs rescued from meat farm looking to find homes by mid October


Hurrah Washington Humane Society for Saving these Dogs

After pulling of an amazing rescue operation saving over 100 dogs from a gruesome faith at a Korean meat farm the Humane Society International (HSI) has now started to transfer the dogs to local shelters where they are cared for awaiting to find a loving and caring home.

Before the dogs left Korea they received proper medical care by HSI and volunteers and veterinarians expect the first five dogs to be ready for adoption by mid-October.


Here is their heartbreaking story

VANCOUVER, Wash. – Dozens of dogs rescued from a South Korean meat farm will be taken in by Washington state shelters, with a quarter of them sent to the Humane Society for Southwest Washington.

two-dogs-saved-from-meatmarket-in-washingtonTwo-year-old Snout and 6-month-old Abbot are two of about 100 dogs recently rescued from the meat farm. The massive rescue is part of the work Humane Society International has been doing to not only free the dogs from their caged conditions, but to stop the dog meat trade in South Korea.

According to HSI, more than two million dogs are killed each year in South Korea, which is the only Asian country to raise dogs on farms for food. The organization worked with this particular dog meat farmer to shut down his factory and transition to a different type of farming.

“You know, you hear about the stories and you see the really sad videos online and then all of a sudden, we have them here,” managing veterinarian for the Humane Society for Southwest Washington, Dr. Laren Overman, said. “It’s only been one week so far and the progress we’re seeing right now is just an amazing thing to see and to be a part of.”
The dogs are mainly Japanese Mastiffs and all 2 years old and younger, which Overman says is because at around 2, she assumes, they are sold for food.

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The following video reports on the rescue operation and the saved dogs
