The price tags on these items are guaranteed to surprise you
Yesterday afternoon I found myself having a little time to spare and being a Labrador and a Book lover I decided to hop over to amazon to look at interesting books about Labs and almost fell out of my chair when I saw the prizes of some of the books and calendars.
I could not help compiling the top 3 most expensive items into the following list:
The first item I encountered was a 2012 Calendar prized a little under six thousand (6,000) dollars (OMG!)
You might think that’s impossible, well here it is:
Amazing, isn’t it(?)
The following items on the list are a beautiful hard cover book carrying the intriguing title “What Labs Teach Us…: Life’s Lessons Learned from Labrador Retrievers” again with a price tag just under six grand!!
Quite expensive don’t you think, but what a lovely book it is.
I could easily go on and build a list comprising ten or even more very expensive books but for now let’s settle for a top three and conclude with another calendar prized at a whooping five thousand dollar!
I have to say finding such expensive books and calendars on amazon made me very curious what other Labrador related items with enormous price tags could be found and decided to visit a few of amazon’s other categories.
[irp posts=”1313″ name=”VIDEO Three Top 3 Funniest Labrador Retriever Videos Week 37″]
If you’re interested to find out for yourself which high-ticket items can be found on amazon it’s a very simple method you can use but to make it as easy as possible I have uploaded an explanatory video on the Next Page.