Mother Instinct Chocolate Labrador Retriever Adopts a Deer Fawn

Orphan Deer Raised and Nursed by Chocolate Lab

A newborn fawn finds a new home after his mother was mowed over by a truck and an old lab adopts and nurses an orphan son.

[su_row][su_column size=”2/3″ center=”no” class=””][/su_column] [su_column size=”1/3″ center=”no” class=””]Over the years animal-related accidents have been on the rise in many areas of the United States.
2 million accident claims were made for vehicles involving an animal.
In Pennsylvania alone, 1 in 86 drivers can expect to experience some sort of collision with an animal over this next year.[/su_column][/su_row]

Deer–vehicle collisions
Early 20th century poster from the United States Park Service concerning wildlife-vehicle collisions. ~ In 2000, of the 6.1 million lightweight motor vehicle collisions in the US, 1 million involved animal-vehicle collisions. Deer–vehicle collisions lead to about 200 human deaths and $1.1 billion in property damage every year. ~ In Canada during the year 2000, there were nearly 29,000 animal-vehicle collisions resulting in property damage only, an additional 1,887 involving non-fatal injuries, and 23 fatal collisions. In Germany, over 220,000 traffic collisions occur annually involving deer, over 1000 of which lead to human injuries and around 20 to human fatalities.

Currently, it is estimated that 20 to 30 million deer populate North America. ~ In a 1981 study, it was concluded that “large animals,” which included deer, accounted for 26% of animals killed each year in collisions with vehicles on interstates and country roads. ~ The increased amount of habitat fragmentation, due to expanding technology, has increased the likelihood of a deer-vehicle collision.

In the the state with the highest number of deer-vehicle collisions is Pennsylvania, with an estimated 115,000 collisions in 2013 causing $400 million in damage. Is the state with the highest risk that a motorist will hit a deer whilst driving. ~ The main contributing factor of a deer-vehicle collision has been contested among studies and statistics. ~ Also, studies have shown that, nationally, most deer vehicle collisions occur between May and November because of deer mating season and foraging before the winter months. ~ Roadways and highways located in sparsely-populated areas are usually built along rivers and lakes of mountains and plains. These areas attract deer because they render safe havens and excellent foraging. ~ At night, most especially during the dusk and dawn hours, deer are much harder to see, which increases the chance of collision.

The following table shows the number of fatal Deer Vehicle Collisions accumulated by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Fatality Analysis Reporting System

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More Animals Are Killed By Cars Each Day Than We Ever Could Have Imagined

Obviously we (all) should be seriously worried about these numbers, but the unfortunate truth is, they represent just a fraction of the number of animals that are killed in traffic accidents.  The sad fact is that most states (and countries) only keep record of traffic accidents that involve animals big to cause damage to a cars.

As for the smaller animals, who represent the greater number of deaths, there aren’t as many statistics to be found, because their remains are removed from the roads without recording any specifics or numbers.

[su_row][su_column size=”3/5″ center=”no” class=””]On a global scale the number of animals that die annually in road accidents must be of astronomical proportions.

In Brazil alone a mind boggling 1.3 million animals die every day after being struck by cars and trucks, according to a recent study by Centro Brasileiro de Estudos em Ecologia de Estradas.

If you’re interested in reading more about the CBEE Study, the full text is available here

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We keep statistics about deer, that’s really what we’re focusing on, because that’s the animal that could cause damage [to a car],” New York Department of Transportation spokesperson Carol Breen


That’s 475 million animals every year in one country alone: about 15 animals every second.

Over the duration of the study, the team documented the deaths of 165 different species: 10 amphibian, 21 reptile, 63 avian and 71 mammal.