[VIDEO] The Real Danger That Lurks in the Woods

Tick Bite on Human

Ticks Are Little Terminators Programmed To Come After You

The real danger lurking the woods is not a big and fierce predator stalking our tracks, waiting for the right opportunity to pounce on us but a tiny insect called American deer tick that will actively seek prey to drink blood.  They love to hang out in woods and tall grass and it’s not uncommon to find one piece shrubbery infested with thousands of these little pests.

The thing we all should be really worried about is that 1 out of every 6 ticks is infected with a bacteria that will cause Lyme Disease in humans. Now, depending on the time of the year and type of terrain  chances are you will attract from one to several hundreds of ticks on your shoe’s, trousers and legs during an average one hour walk. So, you do the math…

The following article was taken from The Washington Post (a link to the full article is on the bottom of this post) and it clearly describes the risks of  Lyme Disease and how to prevent becoming infected by it.

Make sure to watch the video, it’s one of the most informational I could find.

Also watch the video on the second page on how to safely remove a tick without breaking-of its (ugly) head.

With rising global temperatures they are around more of the year and are becoming a bigger problem.  These days its not unusual to get ticks walking in a city park, but the biggest risk comes from walking in the woods.  So while walking through the woods of Norther New Jersey it is no surprise that we ran into plenty of them.

As the days grow steadily warmer and longer, local residents are celebrating the much-anticipated spring by venturing outdoors — gardening in the yard, playing in community parks, strolling along wooded trails.

Unfortunately, they’re not alone. The increasingly balmy weather also heralds the return of the dreaded annual tick season.


With the arrival of National Lyme Disease Awareness Month in May, in a region plagued by consistently high rates of infection, local officials are ramping up efforts to make sure Washington-area residents know how to enjoy the outdoors safely — and what to do if they experience a tick bite or the symptoms of a tick-borne illness.

“There’s a lot of Lyme disease out there, and we don’t have any reason to think that the infection rates and our number of ticks are suddenly going to drop,” said Katherine Feldman, public health veterinarian with the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. “We want everyone to be aware of the potential for Lyme infection.”

The illness, which is caused by bacteria that can be transmitted through the bite of an infected black-legged tick in the eastern United States, can cause serious heart and nervous system problems if it isn’t promptly diagnosed and treated with antibiotics.

Originating Content: The Washington Post

Make sure to watch the video on the next page to learn how to safely and effectively remove ticks.

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