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Selecting The Right Labrador Retriever Breeder in Youngtown, AZ
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Looking for Labrador Puppies in Youngtown,AZ?
Finding trustworthy dog breeders can be challenging task and with this Fact Sheet on Choosing the Right Breeder the team from Labradors SemperFi aims to help you find the the best breeder.
When you choose to get a Labrador Retriever puppy, the first choice you will deal with is where to obtain your puppy from. No matter how hard you try, it’s almost impossible to know whether the puppy you are buying will grow up to be healthy and strong. In order to even presume that your puppy will grow up to be healthy, you’ll have to rely on the breeder you get your Labrador from.
There are 3 choices offered to you, in regards to breeders You must carefully consider each one, as they all will differ. Below are the 3 alternatives you need to select from, and a bit of details to help you make this crucial choice.
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Youngtown Labrador Breeders
[ms_list icon=”fa-check” icon_color=”#f3bb44″ icon_boxed=”no” background_color=”” boxed_shape=”square” item_border=”no” item_size=”15″ class=”” id=””]
[ms_list_item]What questions should I ask a breeder?[/ms_list_item]
[ms_list_item]What is a reputable breeder?[/ms_list_item]
[ms_list_item]How do I know if my breeder is reputable?[/ms_list_item]
[ms_list_item]How do you find reputable dog breeders?[/ms_list_item]
[ms_list_item]Do reputable breeders ship puppies?[/ms_list_item]
[ms_list_item]Will breeder take puppy back?[/ms_list_item]
[ms_list_item]How can I tell if a dog breeder is reputable?[/ms_list_item]
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[ms_panel title=”Dealer or Animal store” title_color=”#fff” border_color=”#ddd” title_background_color=”#2999d8″ border_radius=”0″ class=”” id=””]An animal store is just the worst location that you can get your Labrador Retriever puppy. The puppies they have for sale here are bred badly, and raised in poor locations to say the least. At these kinds of locations, the puppies are considered an earnings and absolutely nothing more. There is little to no emphasis on quality here either – as animal shops choose quantity over quality.
Due to the method the puppies are bred and raised, family pet stores make quite a bit of earnings. With there being so little that enters into the breeding and care of the puppies, pet stores make a lot of loan. They mainly count on impulse buying, not offering you a great deal of time to examine the puppies that they have for sale. If you’re looking for an addition to your household, and a puppy that you understand is healthy, you ‘d be better off looking somewhere else for your puppy.[/ms_panel]
[ms_column style=”1/2″ align=”left” class=”” id=””]
[ms_panel title=”Backyard breeders in Youngtown, AZ” title_color=”#fff” border_color=”#ddd” title_background_color=”#2999d8″ border_radius=”0″ class=”” id=””]Backyard breeders are considered to be yet another poor option for your puppy. Nearly all yard breeders are people who own a few dogs and discover it to be enjoyable to breed their female for the fact of having puppies, or reproduce her one or two times before they decide to have her made sterile. Yard breeders do not search for quality or go out of their way to care for their litters, as they are basically breeding to make money – and nothing more.
Usually, they know little about the breed in general, as well as less about the best ways to correctly look after their Labs. Backyard breeders normally aren’t acquainted with the issues associated with breeding, and a lot could care less. Their only objective here is to breed Labrador Retriever puppies. Once the puppies have been reproduced, their staying objective is to sell the puppies as fast as they can – for the highest possible price.[/ms_panel]
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[ms_accordion_item title=”How much does a Labrador Retriever puppy cost?” color=”” background_color=”” close_icon=”” open_icon=”” status=”close”]
The average cost of a Labrador puppy from an AKC-registered breeder, can be expected between $900 and $1500. However, there are other costs besides the purchase price, to take into consideration.
Things like: visits to the Vet, Food, Toys etc etc will all add up to the annual cost of owning a Labrador Retriever.
To complete the math, the average lifespan of a Labrador is about 13 years (in reality the life expectancy varies depending on a great many factors).
Multiply the annual cost by 13 and you have the Total Lifetime Cost Estimate of a Labrador Retriever
[ms_accordion_item title=”What is the average life span of a Labrador Retriever?” color=”” background_color=”” close_icon=”” open_icon=”” status=”close”] The average Labrador Retriever life span is 12 to 12.5 years. Although a recent study suggests that chocolate Labs live shorter lives, at 10.7 years, than black and yellow Labradors. There are many factors that influence life span in Labs.[/ms_accordion_item]
[ms_accordion_item title=”How to Choose a Labrador Puppy” color=”” background_color=”” close_icon=”” open_icon=”” status=”close”]
How to Choose a Labrador Puppy
[ms_list icon=”fa-check” icon_color=”#f3bb44″ icon_boxed=”no” background_color=”” boxed_shape=”square” item_border=”no” item_size=”13″ class=”” id=””]
[ms_list_item]Make sure that a Labrador is the right dog for you.[/ms_list_item]
[ms_list_item]Do your research about non-purebred Labradors.[/ms_list_item]
[ms_list_item]Decide what your Labrador’s main role will be.[/ms_list_item]
[ms_list_item]Choose a responsible breeder. Your breeder should be concerned with breeding healthy dogs who…[/ms_list_item]
[ms_list_item]Choose a breeder who specializes in raising the kind of dog you want.[/ms_list_item]
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[ms_panel title=”AKC certified breeders in Youngtown, AZ” title_color=”#fff” border_color=”#ddd” title_background_color=”#2999d8″ border_radius=”0″ class=”” id=””]An AKC accredited breeder is the ideal method to obtain your Labrador puppy. AKC breeders are devoted and devoted to the Labrador Retriever type, and consider their puppies as future additions to your household. Although they do generate income breeding, they could honestly care less. AKC certified breeders care more about the quality of their puppies than anything else, and they commit themselves to assisting you get the very best Labrador Retriever puppy possible.
AKC accredited breeders accept obligation for each one of their puppies, and they back up every one of their Labradors. If you desire the very best puppy you can get for your money, you have to check out an AKC breeder. They extremely hardly ever produce bad quality Labrador Retriever puppies, as they care a lot about quality. If you get your Labrador Retriever puppy from a AKC recognized breeder, you can feel confident that you are getting a healthy puppy from the start.[/ms_panel][/ms_column]
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[ms_tab title=’WHY?’ icon=”]How many litters have you produced?
It is my believe that every newly bred puppy should improve the breed, therefore the most important question to ask a breeder is:
Why did you want to breed this litter?
Any breeder who cannot provide a clear answer to why this particular litter is a well thought out improvement on the breed as a whole, is not a responsible breeder. Often these type of breeders just want to increase the number of litters they bred this year for personal reasons.
[ms_tab title=’Meet the Parents’ icon=”]Ask to meet the parents
Meeting the puppy’s parents will give you a better idea of what you can expect from your dog. How big are the parents? What do they look like? What kind of temperament do they have? These are all observations to take into consideration when meeting the parents to predict what your puppy will be like.[ms_heading style=”none” color=”#1352bf” border_color=”#ededed” text_align=”left” font_weight=”100″ font_size=”11″ margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”0″ border_width=”0″ responsive_text=”yes” class=”” id=””]Source: AKC[/ms_heading][/ms_tab]
[ms_tab title=’Health Tests’ icon=”]Have health tests been performed on the parents?
You’ll want to be sure that the breeder has tested the parents to be sure that they are healthy and have no genetic diseases common to the breed.[ms_heading style=”none” color=”#1352bf” border_color=”#ededed” text_align=”left” font_weight=”100″ font_size=”11″ margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”0″ border_width=”0″ responsive_text=”yes” class=”” id=””]Source: AKC[/ms_heading][/ms_tab]
[ms_tab title=’Experience’ icon=”]How long have you been breeding?
What is your experience with this breed?
You’ll want to know what experience the breeder has with breeding and their specific breed. They should be knowledgable about the breed’s strengths and weaknesses and any genetic diseases that might affect their breed. Along these lines, you might want to ask the breeder if they are involved in any breed clubs, organizations, or canine sports.[ms_heading style=”none” color=”#1352bf” border_color=”#ededed” text_align=”left” font_weight=”100″ font_size=”11″ margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”0″ border_width=”0″ responsive_text=”yes” class=”” id=””]Source: AKC[/ms_heading][/ms_tab]
[ms_tab title=’Socialise’ icon=”]How do you socialise your puppies?
It is very important that puppies are properly socialized so they become well-adjusted dogs. You should find out if the puppies have been around people, other dogs, and if they are comfortable with a household environment. The puppies and other dogs should not be unusually shy or scared. Early socialization will help the puppy better adjust to new surroundings and life with you after you bring him home.[ms_heading style=”none” color=”#1352bf” border_color=”#ededed” text_align=”left” font_weight=”100″ font_size=”11″ margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”0″ border_width=”0″ responsive_text=”yes” class=”” id=””]Source: AKC[/ms_heading][/ms_tab]
[ms_tab title=’Vaccinations’ icon=”]Are the puppies up-to-date on vaccinations?
You should be sure that the breeder has taken the puppy to a veterinarian and knows where he is on his shot-schedule. This will also help you so that you have the proper medical information when you bring him home and you will know what shots he needs next.[ms_heading style=”none” color=”#1352bf” border_color=”#ededed” text_align=”left” font_weight=”100″ font_size=”11″ margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”0″ border_width=”0″ responsive_text=”yes” class=”” id=””]Source: AKC[/ms_heading][/ms_tab]
[ms_tab title=’Guarantee or Contract ‘ icon=”]Do you provide a health guarantee and a contract?
It is important to find out what kind of guarantee the breeder provides with their puppies. What happens if you find the puppy has a serious health condition? If you can no longer care for the puppy will the breeder reclaim it?[ms_heading style=”none” color=”#1352bf” border_color=”#ededed” text_align=”left” font_weight=”100″ font_size=”11″ margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”0″ border_width=”0″ responsive_text=”yes” class=”” id=””]Source: AKC[/ms_heading][/ms_tab]
[ms_tab title=’When to take the puppy home’ icon=”]When will you be able to take the puppy home?
The breeder should tell you not to expect to bring home the puppy until it is eight to 12 weeks of age. Puppies need ample time to mature and socialize with their mother and litter mates.[ms_heading style=”none” color=”#1352bf” border_color=”#ededed” text_align=”left” font_weight=”100″ font_size=”11″ margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”0″ border_width=”0″ responsive_text=”yes” class=”” id=””]Source: AKC[/ms_heading][/ms_tab]
[ms_tab title=’Stay in Contact’ icon=”]When will you be able to take the puppy home?
The breeder should tell you not to expect to bring home the puppy until it is eight to 12 weeks of age. Puppies need ample time to mature and socialize with their mother and litter mates.[ms_heading style=”none” color=”#1352bf” border_color=”#ededed” text_align=”left” font_weight=”100″ font_size=”11″ margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”0″ border_width=”0″ responsive_text=”yes” class=”” id=””]Source: AKC[/ms_heading][/ms_tab]
[ms_tab title=’Selective’ icon=”]When will you be able to take the puppy home?
The breeder should tell you not to expect to bring home the puppy until it is eight to 12 weeks of age. Puppies need ample time to mature and socialize with their mother and litter mates.[ms_heading style=”none” color=”#1352bf” border_color=”#ededed” text_align=”left” font_weight=”100″ font_size=”11″ margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”0″ border_width=”0″ responsive_text=”yes” class=”” id=””]Source: AKC[/ms_heading][/ms_tab]
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[ms_accordion_item title=”What Is A Reputable Breeder?” color=”” background_color=”” icon=”fa-picture-o” status=”close”]
Some traits which indicate a reputable breeder:
A reputable breeder is passionate about one or two breeds and is knowledgeable about breed standards and potential breed-specific genetic problems.
A reputable breeder should understand basic female reproductive health, so each female should not be bred more than a few times in her lifetime.
The puppies and their parents are kept in the breeder’s home as part of the family. A reputable breeder will welcome you to see where the dogs spend most of their time and encourage you to spend time with the puppy’s parents. Multiple visits are encouraged prior to taking the puppy home.
A reputable breeder relies on a strong relationship with a veterinarian and will provide documentation of the puppy’s vet visits, medical history, and any genetic tests that were performed.
[ms_heading style=”none” color=”#1352bf” border_color=”#ededed” text_align=”left” font_weight=”100″ font_size=”11″ margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”0″ border_width=”0″ responsive_text=”yes” class=”” id=””]Source: United against Puppy MillsC[/ms_heading]
[ms_accordion_item title=”How Do I Know If My Breeder Is Reputable?” color=”” background_color=”” icon=”fa-picture-o” status=”close”]
[ms_list icon=”fa-check” icon_color=”#f3bb44″ icon_boxed=”no” background_color=”” boxed_shape=”square” item_border=”yes” item_size=”13″ class=”” id=””]
[ms_list_item]Be very knowledgeable about the breed. The breeder should know all the standards of the breed, the temperament of the breed, and should patiently answer all your questions.[/ms_list_item]
[ms_list_item]Ask you several questions about yourself, your lifestyle, and your family situation. The breeder may ask to meet your entire family. Good breeders want to make sure their animals are placed in loving, responsible homes. They will go to great lengths to ensure this.[/ms_list_item]
[ms_list_item]Be concerned about the animal for a lifetime. They may ask you to sign a contract, specifying your responsibility in taking good care of your new dog. Expect a good breeder to follow up on how the animal is doing, even after you’ve taken the pet home. Answer questions, even after you’ve taken the pet home.[/ms_list_item]
[ms_list_item]Keep puppies or kittens until they’re at least 8 weeks old. [/ms_list_item]
[ms_list_item]Provide references. A good breeder will provide as many references as you ask for, willingly. It’s also a good idea to ask for a veterinary reference, too.[/ms_list_item]
[ms_list_item]Provide lots of information. They should provide all the needed information to register your dog with a breed club like the American Kennel Club or Cat Fancier’s Association. Plus, they should provide information about raising, training, feeding and proper veterinary care.[/ms_list_item]
[/ms_list][ms_heading style=”none” color=”#1352bf” border_color=”#ededed” text_align=”left” font_weight=”100″ font_size=”11″ margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”0″ border_width=”0″ responsive_text=”yes” class=”” id=””]Source: CBS News[/ms_heading]
[ms_accordion_item title=”How Do You Find Reputable Dog Breeders?” color=”” background_color=”” icon=”fa-picture-o” status=”close”]
Locating a Reputable Dog Breeder
[ms_list icon=”fa-check” icon_color=”#f3bb44″ icon_boxed=”no” background_color=”” boxed_shape=”square” item_border=”no” item_size=”13″ class=”” id=””]
[ms_list_item]Get a referral. Ask your veterinarian if they know of a reputable breeder in your area[/ms_list_item]
[ms_list_item]Look online at the American Kennel Club.[/ms_list_item]
[ms_list_item]Search for breeders on pupquest.[/ms_list_item]
[/ms_list][ms_heading style=”none” color=”#1352bf” border_color=”#ededed” text_align=”left” font_weight=”100″ font_size=”11″ margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”0″ border_width=”0″ responsive_text=”yes” class=”” id=””]Source:WikiHow[/ms_heading]
[ms_accordion_item title=”Do Reputable Breeders Ship Puppies?” color=”” background_color=”” icon=”fa-picture-o” status=”close”]Shipping Puppies. Professional dog breeders do not ship dogs and many will not allow young puppies to fly. Responsible breeders want you to drive the puppy home. Trauma from an airplane ride in early puppy-hood could scar the puppy for life. If anything happens to the puppy, the breeder must be notified and if you are no longer able to care for the pet, it is returned to them.[ms_heading style=”none” color=”#1352bf” border_color=”#ededed” text_align=”left” font_weight=”100″ font_size=”11″ margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”0″ border_width=”0″ responsive_text=”yes” class=”” id=””]Source:PawsinTraining[/ms_heading] [/ms_accordion_item]
[ms_accordion_item title=”Will Breeder Take Puppy Back?” color=”” background_color=”” icon=”fa-picture-o” status=”close”]The breeder will take the dog back, at any stage of the dog’s life, if you’re unable to care for her. A good breeder will insist on this. Again, she wants to make sure the puppies she brought into the world will always be taken care of.[ms_heading style=”none” color=”#1352bf” border_color=”#ededed” text_align=”left” font_weight=”100″ font_size=”11″ margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”0″ border_width=”0″ responsive_text=”yes” class=”” id=””]Source: DogTime[/ms_heading]
[ms_accordion_item title=”How Can I Tell If A Dog Breeder Is Reputable?” color=”” background_color=”” icon=”fa-picture-o” status=”close”]
[ms_column style=”1/2″ align=”left” class=”” id=””]
Confirming the Breeder is Reputable
[ms_list icon=”fa-check” icon_color=”#f3bb44″ icon_boxed=”no” background_color=”” boxed_shape=”square” item_border=”no” item_size=”13″ class=”” id=””]
[ms_list_item]Ask to meet the breeder in person at their facility and be prepared with a list of questions. [/ms_list_item]
[ms_list_item]Check the conditions of the breeding facility.[/ms_list_item]
[ms_list_item]Pay attention to the attitude and demeanor of the breeder’s dogs.[/ms_list_item]
[ms_list_item]Check that the breeder only breeds one or two breeds. [/ms_list_item]
[ms_list_item]Wait to see if the breeder encourages you to interact with the puppy’s parents.[/ms_list_item]
[ms_list_item]Ask the breeder about how they treat the mothers or bitches.[/ms_list_item][/ms_list]
[ms_column style=”1/2″ align=”left” class=”” id=””]
Confirming the Breeder’s Credentials
[ms_list icon=”fa-check” icon_color=”#f3bb44″ icon_boxed=”no” background_color=”” boxed_shape=”square” item_border=”no” item_size=”13″ class=”” id=””]
[ms_list_item]Ask the breeder if they are registered.[/ms_list_item]
[ms_list_item]Confirm the breeder has documentation on the puppy’s lineage and breed[/ms_list_item]
[ms_list_item]Ask for records of vet visits for the puppy.[/ms_list_item]
[ms_list_item]Check for references from other individuals who have purchased puppies from the breeder. [/ms_list_item]
[ms_list_item]Make sure the breeder gives you a written contract and a health guarantee.[/ms_list_item]
[ms_list_item]Be prepared to answer questions from the breeder. [/ms_list_item][/ms_list]
[ms_divider style=”back_to_top” align=”left” width=”100%” margin_top=”30″ margin_bottom=”30″ border_size=”5″ border_color=”#60d60c” icon=”” class=”” id=””][/ms_divider]
[ms_section background_color=”#ededed” background_image=”” background_repeat=”repeat” background_position=”top left” background_parallax=”no” border_size=”0″ border_color=”” border_style=”none” padding_top=”10″ padding_bottom=”10″ padding_left=”10″ padding_right=”10″ contents_in_container=”yes” top_separator=”” bottom_separator=”” full_height=”no” class=”” id=””]
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[ms_column style=”1/3″ align=”left” class=”” id=””][ms_image_frame src=”https://bing.com/th?id=AMMS_9c44df90bb6fbf2a126124ba47c28e6b&w=200&h=160&c=7&rs=1&qlt=80&cdv=1&pid=16.1″ border_radius=”0″ link=”https://bing.com/th?id=AMMS_9c44df90bb6fbf2a126124ba47c28e6b&w=200&h=160&c=7&rs=1&qlt=80&cdv=1&pid=16.1″ link_target=”_blank” light_box=”yes” class=”” id=””]
Gilbert Historical Museum
Hand-Casted Ceramic and Bronze Wind Bells
Gilbert Historical Museum[/ms_column]
[ms_column style=”1/3″ align=”left” class=”” id=””][ms_image_frame src=”https://bing.com/th?id=AMMS_5d84fbc773fe28c9677b718cc87cadc0&w=200&h=160&c=7&rs=1&qlt=80&cdv=1&pid=Outings” border_radius=”0″ link=”https://bing.com/th?id=AMMS_5d84fbc773fe28c9677b718cc87cadc0&w=200&h=160&c=7&rs=1&qlt=80&cdv=1&pid=Outings” link_target=”_blank” light_box=”yes” class=”” id=””]
Pima Canyon
Great for a Meandering Walk Through Narrow Streets
Historic places
Pima Canyon[/ms_column]
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Four Seasons Resort Scottsd…
Sophisticated Southwest Resort
Sunset · Deserts
Four Seasons Resort Scottsd…[/ms_column]